You know that we cant create a folder named CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9.....
{ In any of the windows operating system. }
Try with this.
For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1) Open notepad file>
2) Type "Bush hid the facts" and "this app can break" (Without quote) >
3) Save the file with any name >
4) Close it. > & open again.
What you see isn’t what you typed.
Just so that we are both on the same page, or the same wave-length. Launch Word for Windows and type precisely :
Press 'Enter' or the Carriage Return key.
What you should get is zillions of: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'.